Losing a Hive – Understanding and Troubleshooting


Location: Online Zoom Webinar Recording

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All beekeepers must be prepared for the loss of a hive, but it’s not always easy to get support that goes beyond the conventional judgements.

When we dig deeper into the complexity of the relationships involved in honeybee health, we can conclude a more holistic understanding is necessary in order to promote vitality and longevity in our apiary.

Some of the greatest lessons in beekeeping can be learned through these explorations, including the practical know-how for catching a problem and acting before it becomes fatal. We will place an emphasis on remediation and biodynamic beekeeping practices for troubleshooting queen problems, general hive health and weakness, factors contributing to the loss of hives in winter and summer, the laying worker situation, and more.


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Webinar topics include:

  • Making a proper diagnosis of the factors contributing to hive loss
  • Discussing how to care for the comb and equipment
  • Learning if/how this could have been prevented
  • Troubleshooting challenging situations and their remedies